Learn Noorani Qaida For Beginners | 9 Practical Steps

how to learn noorani qaida for beginners? 10 practical tips
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The beginners who want to learn Quran Kareem, keep in mind first you need to learn the Noorani Qaida. Noorani Qaida is the basic fundamental that enables you to understand the Arabic alphabet, letters, and sentences as well. It also helps you in understanding grammar rules and makes your pronunciation better for your future learning journey. 

The Noorani Qaida have different difficulties level and you need to complete them step by step. It’s better to learn it properly under a tutor because he can help you to follow a straight and right path. Also, he will correct you in reading and pronunciation. Before starting your learning journey, make sure to follow below practical steps while your learning. 

Hire a professional or Native teacher

A native and professional teacher knows all about the Arabic language. It is easy for them to help you in your learning journey. They have prior experience of teaching and you can get the benefit of that experience. The professional teacher will help you in your reading, learning, and pronunciation of Arabic words. As a result, you will be able to understand the basic words of Arabic and basic grammar as well.

Learn in one-to-one classes

In one-to-one classes, the teacher only focuses on one student. It helps the student to get all the attention of the teacher and improve things regularly with consistency. It also creates a strong bond between teacher and student which is also useful in learning. 

Understand and memorize the alphabet 

Understanding letters and sentences with their grammar rules is necessary. In the long term, it will help you to easily understand and read the words and sentences of the Quran. Because our main goal is to start reading the Holy Quran. 

Improve pronunciation

The pronunciation can only be improved when you speak or read loudly. But you are not aware whether you are pronunciation is wrong is right? In that particular case, your tutor will help you. He will guide you through the pronunciation process and corrects your mistake. So, it is better to practice with your tutor or someone who has more knowledge than you. 

Create a roadmap or plan

Roadmap is a necessary part of achieving any goal. Noorani Qaida has different difficulties level. So, it’s a good idea to create a roadmap according to days and lessons, then start learning these lessons. It will help you to achieve small goals easily in a short time. 

Try to read/recite Quran along with it

The Noorani Qaida has some lessons, which help you to understand sentences. Then you can implement that learning on Quran Kareem as well. Try to learn and read similar verses like Noorani Qaida. Practice short verses which you hear in prayer. 

Read and listen to short surahs

Short surahs can be heard in prayers and are easy to learn and read. Read them in a loud voice so that your pronunciation becomes better. You can listen to the audio of any Hafiq or Qari and try to practice along with him to better your reading. 

Divide the Qaida into different levels

The Noorani Qaida have different difficulty levels. In the first level. In the first level learn about the alphabets of the Arabic language. In the second level learn about basic grammar rules. Then in the third level, start combining these alphabets and make words, and from words make sentences. These sentences will help you to read the Quran in future learning. 

Regular revision

Regular revision is something you can’t ignore in your learning. In everyday learning, try to learn new lessons and revise previous lessons as well. It will increase your productivity by memorizing previous lessons. Also, it will help you in learning about previous lessons without forgetting them. 


Noorani Qaida is the first and essential step towards the learning and recitation of the Quran Kareem. The first step helps you gain basic knowledge about the Arabic language which is used in Quran. Learn and understand the Noorani Qaida properly because it will help you to continue your learning journey without facing any problems in understanding the words. 

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