Benefits of Reciting Surah Yaseen

benefits of surah yaseen
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Surah Yaseen

It is written as Soorah Yasin or Soorah Yaseen, is 36 chapters (Surah)  of the Quran Kareem, and contains 83 verses (ayat). This Surah is known as the heart of the Quran because this Surah contains the 6 basic beliefs of Islam. They are belief in only One God(ALLAH), belief in Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and belief in the afterlife ………..

Everything has some importance and benefits in this world. This Surah has a lot of benefits and some of them are given below. 

Benefits of Reciting Surah Yaseen:

It is the heart of the Quran:

Hazard Muhammad (SAW) once said:

  “There’s a heart in everything,

And the Heart of Quran is Surah Yasin”

Reference: Tirmidhi (Hadith: 2887).

This Hadith shows us the importance of this Surah because the heart is one of the most important organs of the body. The reason for calling this Surah the heart of the Quran is, it covers some main topics of Quran Kareem. They are the existence of Allah, the story of the messengers of Allah, some signs of his Oneness, defending the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and the day of judgment, etc. These reasons are enough to call this Surah the Heart of the Quran. 

Forgiveness of sins:

Imam Al Munawi said that it’s recommended for each and every Muslim to recite it on a regular basis because it guarantees forgiveness of minor sins. 

Mistakes and minor sins are part of human life. It helps us to ask for forgiveness from ALLAH (SWT). 

Easiness of dying:

Hazrat Muhammad SAW said:

“If one is dying,

Recite Surah Yaseen for him”

From the Hadith of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), we can conclude that it eases the death of Muslims by meeting ALLAH. 

Fulfilling One’s need:

Reciting surah Yasin in the morning has a lot of advantages. Our life has a lot of obstacles and problems. For removing them we have the option of following Islam and the teachings of the Quran. Reciting Yaseen in the morning has multiple benefits and solving problems is one of them. 

Benefits of Yasin for Marriage:

We have discussed that this Surah has a lot of benefits especially for solving problems and fulfillment of needs (goals). Marriage is one of the important needs of adults. It helps in the fulfillment of goals if recited in the morning time, especially after Fajr. It should be read with the intention that ALLAH (SWT) guides me for a better choice, and make my marriage blessed without complications and full of benefits. 

How much time is required for memorizing Surah Yasin?

Every Surah of the Quran is revealed in such a way that any person of any age can memorize it without facing difficulties. If you put 15-20 minutes daily into memorizing it then it will take 7-10 days. After memorization, the revision part is also necessary. It helps to recall the previously learned lessons and recall them. 

If you want to memorize it with Tajweed rules under a tutor, then you are at the right place. AALIM QURAN ACADEMY is offering a Quran memorization course. You can memorize the Whole Quran and selective Surah as well. For joining our course fill out the free trial classes courses. Thanks

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